Articles, tips and teaching ideas, and links to other useful sites for Dyslexia teaching, assessment and resources.
Self Esteem


As a parent of a child who is dyslexic I wondered if there are other people who feel that the problem of reading and writing is not the biggest concern.

My main concern is my child's self esteem and confidence.  In an education system that seems to always measure acheivement through what is read and written, my son always feels like he is struggling and sees himself negatively within the school system.


Why can schools not use other mediums such as dictaphones and computers to enable a level playing field for the dyslexic child?  The most important thing in life or in education is not being able to read and write.  It is about being able to learn and use your intelligence and creativity in a positive way. In a world where technology is already so advanced there are ways round the problems of not being  able toread or write very well, already computers can read to a child and a
child can control it verbally.  I would also like to see a greater emphasis placed on the things that children with dyslexia are good at and see these traits and skills harnessed and developed.

Sue Singleton
Bolton and District Dyslexia Association