The links on this page are either to lesser-known companies whose material we feel confident to recommend because we know the people and/or their material ourselves, or to websites that we've visited and have found useful.
Brad Elder
A personal account of a dyslexic's experiences studying for (and gaining) his Phd. This is a refreshingly honest insight into the world of one dyslexic individual.
As well as sharing his struggles and successes, Brad writes about some of the resources that he has found most useful. Well worth a visit.
Davis Dyslexia Association home page:
The International Dyslexia Association
(Formerly the Orton Society)
Dyslexia Online - the Harold Levinson Centre.
Big site, with information, publications, and links. As well as their own publications, services etc., there is some useful information here. Centres in the USA and in the UK (London).
KIDS WITH DYSLEXIA Part of a bigger "kids' health" site. Well-researched, user-friendly pages on Dyslexia and working with dyslexic students
-Lots of useful teaching stuff: